Hello again, Housekeeping.
PLANET GRIFFIN calling... And yes, we're keeping the keys to the minibar.
Easy like Sunday Morning (we're uneasy weekly the rest of the time), PLANET GRIFFIN returns to orbit again with another wild anecdote on the ever changing face of pop culture and the new remaking of reality so profound, H.P. Lovecraft himself would almost take pride in his own insanity...
Is it just me, or are multiplexes beginning to feel more like courtrooms, and movies are turning into hard fought cases to win or lose in the court of public opinion..? From a 'Man of Steel', despite its booming box office numbers, still trying to defend its attributes (Christopher Nolan producing a Zak Snyder film is as much of a clash as Ridley Scott trying to technically advise Michael Bay--- it's gonna have issues) in one courtroom (or theater, if you prefer), and Brad Pitt vs. the CGI Undead In PG13 3D in the courtroom next door (if you were to take STARSHIP TROOPERS; removing the socialist commentary, the fun, AND PAUL VERHOEVEN, would you STILL like to know more..? Don't answer folks, the almost greenlit sequel has answered for us.)...
Style over substance. Substance abuse. So far.
Not to fear, of course, it's small mishaps like this that'll drive the public to comedies like the upcoming THIS IS THE END to let off steam... Or back to review movies like THE PURGE to build it back up. We still get to look forward to big budgeters like the upcoming WOLVERINE and PACIFIC RIM. It's still pretty early in the game, so anything is possible in this summer film season. The PLANET is merely one judgment out of many--- if you enjoy it, great! Call it a guilty pleasure. If not, you live with the guilt until the next case is made to feel great again. The caselog is endless right now, and you are, after all, the ultimate judge...
... EXCEPT ONE! As any horror fan may tell you, a PG13 Zombie Apocalypse is no apocalypse at all...
Until next time, court is adjourned.
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