Taking a moment to reach back into the Daze of Wayback yet again, I recall the time of the 6 inch titans known as MICRONAUTS. Beginning with the toys in 1976, Bill Mantlo thought the idea behind them was so cool, he wrote a galactic space opera that would actually outlast the toy line itself! Along with artists like Pat Broderick, Michael Golden, Gil Kane, and Butch Guise, this series continued to strike like a moment of righteousness with each issue... With the 'world-of-innerspace under siege' plotline, the characters (ACROYEAR and BUG were the consistent standouts), and BARON KARZA, perhaps one of the best badasses in comics, even if he stood 6 inches tall! There were attempts to revive the series, DEVIL'S DUE made the most notable attempt a few years ago, but even then, it didn't have the punch of the 70's series ( I understand fellas--- Marvel wasn't giving up the BUG character at all)... Still, it was a cool nostalgia nod.
On his blogsite, writer Warren Ellis once commented on how the Micronauts were 'everything that's wrong with comics', emphasizing the importance of original material and new concepts. Ironic that he would be working on such titles as JLA, Fantastic 4, and a rework of the New Universe only AFTER he made the statement. Another clash of personal feelings and contractual obligation, I guess... Regardless, I still maintain the fond memories of the MEGO-Marvel days and the entertainment of those things great and small...
Man the song on that video is amazing... now I don't know if I'm interested in the Micronauts because they came recommended by you or if its the music vexing me!!
Either way... mmmmmmm...
Ha! I admit, it did play a factor in me posting this up! Glad you like it!
BTW, good to see you floating around again! Complete with that new daddy smell, I see? Ha ha!
Man, floating is right. I feel like a euphoric zombie right now... thrilled she's here but definitely missin sleep.
Guess that's a thing of the past now!
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