Con season is upon us once again--- HEROES CON is coming up Father's Day weekend, and yours truly, the Infamous RODBUDDAH, will be there! I'll be moving silently among you, with plenty of FIERCE drama to go 'round (the good kind, I assure you!) So those of you among the NEXT 100 and population at large who plan to go, I can't wait to see you there! I plan to have alot of fun for this one, so I expect the energy to be high and the talent to be awesome!
"... Even with a full plate, We stay hungry. We are a threat to the fat cat and those who keep you blind. Seething, watching, and grinding true, We fully intend to conquer, contend, and get some. Our time has now become undeniable to those who tried to build the walls to keep us out--- to those people, we say thank you, because you have provided the fuel in which we burn them down...
Ladies and Gentlemen, we are THE NEXT 100!"
About time you've posted more of your work here!
What I really like about your work is the constant sense of movement whether it's in the line work, coloring or in the action sequences. Nothing is really "horizontal/vertical" but fluid, which is clearly showcased in your action sequences.
The only other talent evoking motion from my senses in a similar manner is Paul Pope.
I admit, I am a fan of Paul's work (Great guy to hang out with too) I enjoy thinking of new ways to showcase movement. Not only does it add a special sense of urgency to the characters, it turns the very environment around them into a living, breathing thing.
Thanks John!
Guh!!!!!! Seriously? Man every illustration you put out puts the bar higher and higher! This is SICK man. That closeup of the lion - specifically the one on the right - stellar. I love the motion and energy of the entire piece. So good...
I still credit Mack (color supervisor) for the color scheme that I think makes the images POP!
With FIERCE, I really wanted to create a 'cinematography' to the look--- Imagine if 'SE7EN' met 'DICK TRACY' in terms of colorful foreground against dreary background.
Thanks, Brian! This lets me know that I'm on the right track!
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