PLANET GRIFFIN is back in orbit, bringing you the coolest in Alternative Pop Culture! Here's something I stumbled upon a few days ago... ED BRUBAKER, that mad writer of comic crime fiction (i.e., CRIMINAL), has been doing a little moonlighting in the film industry as of late. ZOE BELL ( UMA THURMAN'S stunt double in KILL BILL and the star of Quentin Tarantino's DEATH PROOF), LUCY LAWLESS (XENA), and TED RAIMI (Extra Extraordinaire and brother of SAM) have taken part in a webisode series called THE ANGEL OF DEATH, featuring Zoe as EVE, an assassin with no remorse, who learns how valuable that remorse can be after sustaining a knife to the head ( trust me folks, you definitely don't wanna miss THAT scene!), forcing her to remember ALL of her past kills!
Recently, the release of the DVD compilation of season one has caused a buzz among new viewers, hoping to find it on the web
( which, by the way, you can find the first 4 episodes via Youtube). After checking out myself, I agree that this flick ROCKS! Of course, I'm a geek of discriminating taste, so what do I know?! PLANET GRIFFIN will feature these episodes here, so stay tuned for Season Two, which is enviably coming! Check it out for yourself and see if this doesn't motivate some of you creators-in-training to get off your ass and CREATE something, cuz Brubaker damn sure did!
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