PLANET GRIFFIN has quickly become known for left-of-center Pop Culture, the occasional tale of humor, and more plugs for one book 'coming soon' than anyone can imagine! Tonight on PLANET GRIFFIN, Tonight's post is something that weighed on me for a while. I figured it was about time to let it go and assure a few people that I'm not an inhuman machine when it comes to (art)--- just flawed like everyone else. Like someone told me: 'Tell it to someone who doesn't know you."
Well here it is.
The pursuit of dreams can be an arduous task, whether in its infancy, caught headlong in its planning stages, or the logistical nightmare of plotting out its final stages. It takes an unusual type of dedication to 'finish what you start'.
Of course, sometimes the toll that kind of dedication can have on those around you isn't always noticed, nor appreciated. I know... I've been guilty of this.
For years, I have labored long and hard to create an independent enterprise from the ground up on the strength of my talents... Since 1991, I've toiled on my first works through alot of trial and error, hits and misses, and heartaches and triumphs. I gained the attention of the Hollywood machine, only to walk away because the deal wasn't going anywhere. ( I lost out to a romantic drama by Bruce Willis and Michelle Phiffer--- which tanked badly.) I've dealt with the Comic Industry on many an occassion, only to get cut off by ego's who were so afraid I would take their job. (Don't worry fellas... That's still comin') I have survived the pain of 2 marriages lost in pursuit of this. ( One thought the work was more important/ The other thought the work was more important than family and thought that 'nothing will come of it because nothing has happened') --- at one point, I found myself so heartbroken and waylaid, I burned pages! (I was saved by a friend who snapped me out of it by providing me with those very same page copies, saying ' Your talents are far too important to throw away... I refuse to see that happen.' Thanks MDouble)
Time management and sacrifice walk a fragile line, folks... For those of you, like me, who ARE driven to succeed, be warned of this: The price you pay can be great if you're not careful, because not everyone can understand what it is that drives you to do what you do. Practical people, to this effect, only see the end results and not the 'behind-the-scenes' blood, sweat, and tears. Forgive those who either don't know or don't do.
I know. I have.
Art can sometimes be the cruellest of Mistresses--- 'Her' rewards can be overwhelming, but 'her' paybacks are a bitch--- This is the hard lesson of the perfectionist and the driven to learn. ( The legendary ALEX TOTH taught me that before he died.) This is the hard lesson I've learned. Now, I teach this to the neophytes and serve reminders to the hardliners. To be driven is to stop at nothing, yet appreciate everything along the way. Never lose sight of this, folks.
After reading this, walk away from the computer/art table and find your loved ones, whoever they are. Give'em a BIG hug and kiss and let them know where you stand and where they fit in. You'll thank me for this later.
Now back to work.